Just like in our real life, we have a persona on Facebook. Just because people can’t see you –it does not mean that your words don’t convey messages about your personality. So, be careful about your language on Facebook. Remember, once you’ve written anything anywhere on Internet, it will never go away completely. You should use the language that you would be comfortable to share with your family as well. Again as in real life, you cannot afford the habit of disappearing for long periods without a word. If that is how you use Facebook, it is better not to use it. Facebook is a serious tool and it should be taken likewise. If you don’t have time or interest for your “Facebook Life” it would be better if you stay in your real life because online social networking will not click for you. People hate flood-makers. If you make an update on Facebook and expect people to read and comment on it, you need to be a bit patient. Quickly making too many status updates does confuse your readers as before they can think about your present update –another one pops up! Such a situation happen mostly with those who tend to share videos, articles and other stuff with their friends. I would suggest that you be more choosy in selecting what you want to share and let your friends breathe. Posting too many things is a waste of efforts. Social networking is all about meeting new and interesting people. Your updates might be liked a lot by your friend circle –but if they are nonsensical –trust me you’ll find it difficult to make friends with new people (especially with those who matter). Your updates should be coherent, sensible and, if possible, interesting. Facebook’s updates are essentially for informing your friends about what you are up to. So, it would be interesting if you keep posting about what you are doing and stuff like that. Only keep sharing videos and articles all the time –makes your updates monotonous after a while. And then not all people are equally interested in your shared stuff. It’s better to also include suitable personal stuff in yours updates. Please note that I have said “suitable personal stuff”. There are certain things that you should never share on Facebook. While you may choose to hide some of the information –but never give wrong information. If you are looking for new friends, it is important to tell what exactly you do in your life. People often tend to be friends with those who have common interests. Such information can be deduced by your profession and hobbies. Don’t bug yourself down by the burden of a large number of groups (most of which you never visit anyway!). The groups also show your interests. It would be great if it is real. But if for some reason you don’t want to post your real picture –make sure you are not posting photos of movie stars. This looks very immature. If you’re shy, you may click several selfies when you’re alone and put up the best picture as display picture in your profile.