This is super helpful as you can easily view the options and click on it but sometimes you may get annoyed by it and wonder if there is any way to get rid of the Side Bar on YouTube. But do not worry as in this article we are going to show you how to do just that so keep on scrolling down to read the steps.

How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on YouTube?

It has been quite some time since the Side Bar was introduced on YouTube. The Side Bar consists of many different options to help with the user experience and to make your time on the application very smooth. But sometimes it gets annoying to see it every time and you want to get rid of the Side Bar on YouTube. Just follow the steps down below in order and you will be good to go:-

1.Install/Enable a script enabler like Stylish on your browser.

2. Open YouTube and click on the ‘Stylish icon‘.

3. Click on the ‘Three Dots‘.

4. Click on ‘Create New Style‘.

5. Type in the following as shown in the picture below.

6. Click on ‘URLs on the domain‘ under ‘Applies to‘.

7. Type and add ‘‘.

8. Write down a name and click on ‘Save‘.

9. Turn on Stylish on YouTube and activate the Style.

10. Now the Side Bar is completely gone.

That is it for the steps to get rid of the sidebar on YouTube. These steps were made while using the Stylish extension but you can also use other script extender extensions such as Script Runner Pro, xStyle and Stylus. Follow the steps given above but relevant to your extension and you should be good.

Can You Get The Side Bar Back After Removing It on YouTube?

If you want to again go back to the default layout of YouTube with the Side Bar then you can click on the Stylish icon and turn it off. You can also choose to deactivate the current style that you made without having to turn Stylish off.

Wrap Up

The sidebar of YouTube is a wonderful feature that saves your time as you do not have to search for the options elsewhere. However, you may not like it and wish that you could get rid of it. That is why in this article, we showed you very simple steps on how to get rid of the Side Bar on YouTube. The steps are super easy to follow and will definitely save your time as you do not have to learn to much. We are reaching the end of this article and we hope that this article was of some use to you. If you have any questions or queries regarding this topic then please feel free to leave them down below. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible so do not hesitate in asking.


How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 78How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 35How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 2How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 49How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 82How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 83How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 50How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 23How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 55How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 36How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 67How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 79How to Get Rid of The Side Bar on Youtube  - 81